Monday 6 August 2012

Ramadan Time!

Hi Everyone! I feel like talking about Ramadan this time =)

To be honest, being American, I had no idea what Ramadan was. It really opened my eyes once I was surrounded by it here. Just a funny feeling knowing now that this whole new world exists outside my American life... 

Anyway! So, Bangladesh is populated with 90% Muslims. Ramadan is the month of fasting! This year, this holiday started in mid-July. If you want the full details behind this religious holiday, I'm really the last person to tell you, so maybe you'll find yourself wikipedia-ing this later! ;) But for now, I want to share with y'all my observations so far:

1. Why are they fasting? Ramadan teaches 'Muslims self-discipline, self-control, sacrifice and empathy towards the less fortunate'. My coworker explained to me that it's the time of the year when they feel what the poor feels, which I think is also a good reminder of appreciating your life a bit more! 

2. Let's define fasting now. This means no food & drinks, including water from sunrise (like 5am) till 6:42pm. that's a long time not to eat or drink anything, don't you think? Sadly, I couldn't do it.  

3. Now remember, its like 110 degrees with 110% of humidity in Bangladesh. So, this no water policy applies to all the hard working construction workers out here too! you try it. 

4. For respect, all the restaurants cover their front window with a cloth so the public is not tempted by the food being served to the non-fasting folks.  

5. To break the fast, they have 'Iftar' every night at sunset. Families get together, it's a grand feast! I went to my first Iftar last year and the food is good, but really spicy! =X

6. During Ramadan, they have 2 meals a day- one at 3:30AM before fasting and one at 6:40PM. As you can see, they don't sleep very well and most of them are tired and weak. Remember, you got to do this every day for a month! 

7. During Ramadan, it's also common for the wealthy to give a fixed percentage of their savings to charity. My coworker said 5% of your savings is pretty common. 

8. Finally, after a month of fasting, they celebrate 'Eid-Ul-Fitr' holiday! Celebrate! this 3 day holiday is as big as our Christmas people! Big feasts, family gatherings, presents, greeting cards, bonuses! they wait ALL year for this, again, like our Christmas! =)

ok, that's all folks! Hope everyone is doing well! 
